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Hensen C, Scholz F, Nuzzo M, Valadares V, Grácia E, Terrinha P, Liebetrau V, Kaul N, Silva S, Martínez-Loriente S et al..  2015.  Strike-slip faults mediate the rise of crustal-derived fluids and mud volcanism in the deep sea. Geology. 43:339–342.
Hensen C, Scholz F, Nuzzo M, Valadares V, Grácia E, Terrinha P, Liebetrau V, Kaul N, Silva S, Martínez-Loriente S et al..  2015.  Strike-slip faults mediate the rise of crustal-derived fluids and mud volcanism in the deep sea. Geology. 43:339–342.
Hensen C., Scholz F., Marianne N., Valadares V., Gràcia E., Terrinha P., Liebetrau V., Kaul N., Silva S., Martinez-Loriente S. et al..  2014.  Strike-slip Faults Mediate the Rise of Basement-Derived Fluids and Mud Volcanism in the Deep Sea.
Hensen C., Scholz F., Marianne N., Valadares V., Gràcia E., Terrinha P., Liebetrau V., Kaul N., Silva S., Martinez-Loriente S. et al..  2014.  Strike-slip Faults Mediate the Rise of Basement-Derived Fluids and Mud Volcanism in the Deep Sea.
Ranero CR, Pérez-Gussinyé M.  2010.  Sequential faulting explains the asymmetry and extension discrepancy of conjugate margins.. Nature. 468:294–9.
Prada M., Sallarès V., Ranero C.R, Vendrell M.G, Grevemeyer I., Zitellini N., de Franco R..  2014.  Seismic structure of the Central Tyrrhenian basin: Geophysical constraints on the nature of the main crustal domains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 119:52–70.
Buffett G.G., Biescas B., Pelegrí J.L., Machín F., Sallarès V., Carbonell R., Klaeschen D., Hobbs R..  2009.  Seismic reflection along the path of the Mediterranean Undercurrent. Continental Shelf Research. 29:1848–1860.
Bartolomé R, Grácia E, Iacono CLo, Martinez-Loriente S., Moreno X, Perea H, Masana E., Team EVENT-DEEP.  2013.  Seismic imaging of active faults in the Southern Alboran Sea (SE Iberian Margin): First results of the 2010 EVENT-DEEP cruise.
Flecha I., Palomeras I., Carbonell R., Simancas F., Ayarza P., Matas J., González-Lodeiro F., Pérez-Estaún A..  2009.  Seismic imaging and modelling of the lithosphere of SW-Iberia. Tectonophysics. 472:148–157.
Flecha I., Palomeras I., Carbonell R., Simancas F., Ayarza P., Matas J., González-Lodeiro F., Pérez-Estaún A..  2009.  Seismic imaging and modelling of the lithosphere of SW-Iberia. Tectonophysics. 472:148–157.
Gràcia E., Bartolome R., Perea H., Moreno X., L. de la Peña G, Ranero C.R, C. Iacono L, Martinez-Loriente S., Diez S., Masana E. et al..  2014.  Seismic hazard of active faults in the Alboran Sea inferred from submarine paleosismology. Una aproximación multidisciplinar al estudio de fallas activas, los terremotos y el riesgo sísmico. :101–104.
Sallares V, Martínez-Loriente S, Prada M, Grácia E, Ranero C, Gutscher M-A, Bartolomé R, Gailler A, Dañobeitia JJosé, Zitellini N.  2013.  Seismic evidence of exhumed mantle rock basement at the Gorringe Bank and the adjacent Horseshoe and Tagus abyssal plains (SW Iberia). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 365:120–131.
Urgeles R, De Mol B, Puig P, De Batist M, Hughes-Clarke JE.  2009.  Sediment undulations on the Llobregat prodelta: Signs of early slope instability or sedimentary bedforms? Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana. 7:103–106.
Pedrosa M.T., Camerlenghi A., De Mol B., Urgeles R., Rebesco M., Lucchi R.G..  2011.  Seabed morphology and shallow sedimentary structure of the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough-mouth fans (North West Barents Sea). Marine Geology. 286:65–81.
