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De La Puente J., Ampuero J.-P., Kaser M..  2009.  Dynamic rupture modeling on unstructured meshes using a discontinuous Galerkin method. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114:B10302.
Gutierrez-Pastor J., Nelson C.H., Goldfinger C., Johnson J.E., Escutia C., Eriksson A.T., Morey A.E., Gràcia E.)Shipboard.  2009.  Earthquake Holocene turbidite frequency confirmed by hemipelagic sedimentation on the Cascadia and Northen California active tectonic continental margins. Society for Sedimentary Geology. :20.
Hobbs R.W, Klaeschen D., Sallarès V., Vsemirnova E., Papenberg C..  2009.  Effect of seismic source bandwidth on reflection sections to image water structure. Geophysical Research Letters. 36:L00D08.
A. da Silveira B, Cabral J., Perea H., Ribeiro A..  2009.  Evidence for coupled reverse and normal active faulting in W Iberia. Tectonophysics. 474:184–199.
Petersen CJörg, Klaucke I, Weinrebe W, Ranero CR.  2009.  Fluid seepage and mound formation offshore Costa Rica revealed by deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler data. Marine Geology. 266:172–181.
Yang S.L, Solheim A., Forsberg C.F, Kvalstad T., Feng X.L, Li A.L, Urgeles R..  2009.  Geotechnical Properties of River-fed Sediments Compared with Glacier-fed Sediments. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 27:281–295.
Buske S, Lecomte I, Nemeth T, Operto S, Sallares V.  2009.  Imaging and inversion — Introduction. GEOPHYSICS. 74:WCA1–WCA4.
Muller M.R., Jones A.G., Evans R.L., Grütter H.S., Hatton C., Garcia X., Hamilton M.P., Miensopust M.P., Cole P., Ngwisanyi T. et al..  2009.  Lithospheric structure, evolution and diamond prospectivity of the Rehoboth Terrane and western Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa: Constraints from broadband magnetotellurics. Lithos. 112:93–105.
Kormann J, Cobo P, Recuero M, Biescas B, Sallares V.  2009.  Modelling Seismic Oceanography Experiments by Using First- and Second-Order Complex Frequency Shifted Perfectly Matched Layers. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 95:1104–1111.
Bartolomé R, Iacono CLo, Grácia E.  2009.  Multiscale seismic imaging of active faults at sea. Sea Technology. 50:10–14.
Palomeras I., Carbonell R., Flecha I., Simancas F., Ayarza P., Matas J., D. Poyatos M, Azor A., F. Lodeiro G, Pérez-Estaún A..  2009.  Nature of the lithosphere across the Variscan orogen of SW Iberia: Dense wide-angle seismic reflection data. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114:B02302.
von Huene R, Ranero C.R.  2009.  Neogene collision and deformation of convergent margins along the backbone of the Americas. Geological Society of America Memoirs. 204:67–83.
Garcia X, Akanji L, Blunt M, Matthai S, Latham J.  2009.  Numerical study of the effects of particle shape and polydispersity on permeability. Physical Review E. 80:021304.
Pham N.D, Igel H., Wassermann J., Kaser M., De La Puente J., Schreiber U..  2009.  Observations and Modeling of Rotational Signals in the P Coda: Constraints on Crustal Scattering. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 99:1315–1332.
Mota XMoreno, Mont EGràcia i, Bartolomé R, Iacono C.  2009.  Paleoseismology of active faults based on multiscale seismic imaging. Instrumentation ViewPoint. :50–51.
Zitellini N., Gràcia E., Matias L., Terrinha P., Abreu M.A., DeAlteriis G., Henriet J.P., Dañobeitia J.J., Masson D.G., Mulder T..  2009.  The quest for the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 280:13–50.
Sallarès V., Biescas B., Buffett G., Carbonell R., Danobeitia J.J, Pelegrí J.L.  2009.  Relative contribution of temperature and salinity to ocean acoustic reflectivity. Geophysical Research Letters. 36:L00D06.
Lebreiro S.M., Voelker A.H.L., Vizcaino A., Abrantes F.G., Alt-Epping U., Jung S., Thouveny N., Gràcia E..  2009.  Sediment instability on the Portuguese continental margin under abrupt glacial climate changes (last 60kyr). Quaternary Science Reviews. 28:3211–3223.
Urgeles R, De Mol B, Puig P, De Batist M, Hughes-Clarke JE.  2009.  Sediment undulations on the Llobregat prodelta: Signs of early slope instability or sedimentary bedforms? Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana. 7:103–106.
Flecha I., Palomeras I., Carbonell R., Simancas F., Ayarza P., Matas J., González-Lodeiro F., Pérez-Estaún A..  2009.  Seismic imaging and modelling of the lithosphere of SW-Iberia. Tectonophysics. 472:148–157.
Buffett G.G., Biescas B., Pelegrí J.L., Machín F., Sallarès V., Carbonell R., Klaeschen D., Hobbs R..  2009.  Seismic reflection along the path of the Mediterranean Undercurrent. Continental Shelf Research. 29:1848–1860.
Monteys X., Garcia X., Evans R., Szpak M., Kelleher B., Hardy D..  2009.  Shallow geophysical characterization and fluid flow processes in two large pockmarks on the Malin Shelf, NW Ireland. Near Surface 2009 - 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Stupazzini M., De La Puente J., Smerzini C., Kaser M., Igel H., Castellani A..  2009.  Study of Rotational Ground Motion in the Near-Field Region. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 99:1271–1286.
von Huene R, Ranero CR, Scholl DW.  2009.  Subduction Zone Geodynamics. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
Simancas JFernando, Azor A, Martínez-Poyatos D, Tahiri A, Hadi HEl, González-Lodeiro F, Pérez-Estaún A, Carbonell R.  2009.  Tectonic relationships of Southwest Iberia with the allochthons of Northwest Iberia and the Moroccan Variscides. Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 341:103–113.
