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Acoustic and seismic imaging of the Adra Fault (NE Alboran Sea): in search of the source of the 1910 Adra earthquake. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 12:3255–3267.
2012. Acoustic and seismic imaging of the Adra Fault (NE Alboran Sea): in search of the source of the 1910 Adra earthquake. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 12:3255–3267.
2012. Active deformation in old oceanic lithosphere and significance for earthquake hazard: Seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge area and neighboring abyssal plains (SW Iberian Margin). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:2206–2231.
2013. Active faulting in the Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere offshore the SW Iberian margin. Significance for earthquake and tsunami hazard. Una aproximación multidisciplinar al estudio de fallas activas, los terremotos y el riesgo sísmico. :81–84.
2014. Active tectonics of the South Chilean marine fore arc (35°S-40°S). Tectonics. 30:n/a–n/a.
2011. Application of acoustic full waveform inversion to retrieve high-resolution temperature and salinity profiles from synthetic seismic data. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116:C11039.
2011. The Bajo Segura Fault Zone: Active blind thrusting in the Eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology. 38:287–300.
2012. The Bajo Segura Fault Zone: Active blind thrusting in the Eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology. 38:287–300.
2012. Bathymetrical distribution and size structure of cold-water coral populations in the Cap de Creus and Lacaze-Duthiers canyons (northwestern Mediterranean). Biogeosciences. 10:2049–2060.
2013. Birth of an intraoceanic spreading center. Geology. 36:767.
2008. The Cali meteorite fall: A new H/L ordinary chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 44:211–220.
2009. Characterization of thermohaline staircases in the Tyrrhenian Sea using stochastic heterogeneity mapping. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 19:005013–005013.
2013. Characterizing active faults and associated mass transport deposits in the South Iberian Margin (Alboran Sea and Gulf of Cadiz): On-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence. Resúmenes de la 1ª Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología. :163–166.
2010. Characterizing the seismic potential of the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ), a major source of earthquakes in Southeastern Iberia. Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica. :101–104.
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2010. Compressional tectonic inversion of the Algero-Balearic basin: Latemost Miocene to present oblique convergence at the Palomares margin (Western Mediterranean). Tectonics. 34:1516–1543.
2015. Compressional tectonic inversion of the Algero-Balearic basin: Latemost Miocene to present oblique convergence at the Palomares margin (Western Mediterranean). Tectonics. 34:1516–1543.
2015. The continent-ocean transition of the Pearl River margin. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. -1:06.
2013. The continent-ocean transition of the rifted South China continental margin. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 16:14917.
2014. The continent-ocean transition on the northwestern South China Sea. Basin Research. :n/a––n/a.
2015. Convergent margin tectonics of Middle America: A marine perspective. Central America, Geology, Hazards and Resources. :239–265.