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Bangs N.L.a, McIntosh K.D.a, Silver E.A.b, Kluesner J.W.b, Ranero C.R.c.  2015.  Fluid accumulation along the Costa Rica subduction thrust and development of the seismogenic zone. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 120:67–86.
Barckhausen U, Ranero CR, Cande SC, Engels M, Weinrebe W.  2008.  Birth of an intraoceanic spreading center. Geology. 36:767.
Bartolome R., Gràcia E., Stich D., Martinez-Loriente S., Klaeschen D., F. Mancilla deLis, C. Iacono L, Danobeitia J.J, Zitellini N..  2012.  Evidence for active strike-slip faulting along the Eurasia-Africa convergence zone: Implications for seismic hazard in the southwest Iberian margin. Geology. 40:495–498.
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Bartolomé R, Grácia E, Iacono CLo, Martinez-Loriente S., Moreno X, Perea H, Masana E., Team EVENT-DEEP.  2013.  Seismic imaging of active faults in the Southern Alboran Sea (SE Iberian Margin): First results of the 2010 EVENT-DEEP cruise.
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Biescas B., Sallarès V., Pelegrí J.L, Machín F., Carbonell R., Buffett G., Danobeitia J.J, Calahorrano A..  2008.  Imaging meddy finestructure using multichannel seismic reflection data. Geophysical Research Letters. 35:L11609.
Biescas B, Ruddick BR, Nedimovic MR, Sallares V, Bornstein G, Mojica JF.  2014.  Recovery of temperature, salinity, and potential density from ocean reflectivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 119:3171–3184.
Booth-Rea G., Ranero C.R, Martínez-Martínez J.M, Grevemeyer I..  2007.  Crustal types and Tertiary tectonic evolution of the Alborán sea, western Mediterranean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 8:n/a–n/a.
Bornstein G., Biescas B., Sallarès V., Mojica J.F.  2013.  Direct temperature and salinity acoustic full waveform inversion. Geophysical Research Letters. 40:4344–4348.
Buffett G.G., Biescas B., Pelegrí J.L., Machín F., Sallarès V., Carbonell R., Klaeschen D., Hobbs R..  2009.  Seismic reflection along the path of the Mediterranean Undercurrent. Continental Shelf Research. 29:1848–1860.
Buffett G.G, Hurich C.A, Vsemirnova E.A, Hobbs R.W, Sallarès V., Carbonell R., Klaeschen D., Biescas B..  2010.  Stochastic heterogeneity mapping around a mediterranean salt lens. Ocean Science. 6:423–429.
Buffett GG, Hobbs RW, Vsemirnova EA, Klaeschen D, Hurich CA, Ranero C, Sallarès V.  2013.  Characterization of thermohaline staircases in the Tyrrhenian Sea using stochastic heterogeneity mapping. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 19:005013–005013.
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