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Lucchi R.G., Camerlenghi A., Rebesco M., Colmenero-Hidalgo E., Sierro F.J., Sagnotti L., Urgeles R., Melis R., Morigi C., Bárcena M.-A. et al..  2013.  Postglacial sedimentary processes on the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough mouth fans: Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation. Global and Planetary Change. 111:309–326.
Lucchi RG, Pedrosa MT, Camerlenghi A, Urgeles R, De Mol B, Rebesco M.  2012.  Recent submarine landslides on the continental slope of Storfjorden and Kveithola Trough-Mouth Fans (north west Barents Sea). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 34, Springer, Dordrecht (The Netherlands). :735–745.
Loreto MFilomena, Tinivella U, Ranero CR.  2007.  Evidence for fluid circulation, overpressure and tectonic style along the Southern Chilean margin. Tectonophysics. 429:183–200.
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Kluesner JW, Silver EA, Bangs NL, McIntosh KD, Gibson J, Orange D, Ranero CR, von Huene R.  2013.  High density of structurally controlled, shallow to deep water fluid seep indicators imaged offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:519–539.
Klaucke I, Masson DG, C. Petersen J, Weinrebe W, Ranero CR.  2008.  Multifrequency geoacoustic imaging of fluid escape structures offshore Costa Rica: Implications for the quantification of seep processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
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