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Iacono CLo, Sulli A, Agate M, Presti VLo, Pepe F, Catalano R.  2011.  Submarine canyon morphologies in the Gulf of Palermo (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) and possible implications for geo-hazard. Marine Geophysical Research. 32:127–138.
Iacono CLo, Grácia E, Dañobeitia JJosé.  2010.  Very high-resolution seismo-acoustics in the study of seagrasses. The case of posidonia oceanica (Mediterranean sea).
Iacono CLo, Guillén J.  2008.  Environmental conditions for gravelly and pebbly dunes and sorted bedforms on a moderate-energy inner shelf (Marettimo Island, Italy, western Mediterranean). Continental Shelf Research. 28:245–256.
Iacono CLo, Grácia E, Ranero CR, Emelianov M, Huvenne VAI, Bartolomé R, Booth-Rea G, Prades J, Ambroso S, Dominguez C et al..  2014.  The West Melilla cold water coral mounds, Eastern Alboran Sea: Morphological characterization and environmental context. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 99:316–326.
Iacono CLo, Grácia E, Diez S, Bozzano G, Moreno X, Dañobeitia J, Alonso B.  2008.  Seafloor characterization and backscatter variability of the Almería Margin (Alboran Sea, SW Mediterranean) based on high-resolution acoustic data. Marine Geology. 250:1–18.
Iacono CLo, Orejas C, Gori A, Gili JMaria, Requena S, Puig P, Ribó M.  2012.  The habitats of the Cap de Creus continental shelf and Cap de Creus Canyon, northwestern Mediterranean. Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat. GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. :457–469.
Iacono CLo, Gràcia EG, Bartolomé R, Coiras E, Dañobeitia JJose, Acosta J.  2012.  The habitats of the Chella Bank. Eastern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean). Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats.. :681–690.
Iacono CLo, Urgeles R, Polizzi S., Grinyó J., Druet M., Agate M., Gili J.M., Acosta J..  2014.  Submarine Mass Movements Along a Sediment Starved Margin: The Menorca Channel (Balearic Islands – Western Mediterranean). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. :329–338.
C. Iacono L, Gràcia E., Zaniboni F., Pagnoni G., Tinti S., Bartolome R., Masson D.G, Wynn R.B, Lourenco N., M. de Abreu P et al..  2012.  Large, deepwater slope failures: Implications for landslide-generated tsunamis. Geology. 40:931–934.
Iacono CLo, Guillén J, Puig P, Ribó M, Ballesteros M, Palanques A, Farrán Mlí, Acosta J.  2010.  Large-scale bedforms along a tideless outer shelf setting in the western Mediterranean. Continental Shelf Research. 30:1802–1813.
Iacono CLo, Mateo MAngel, Grácia E, Guasch L, Carbonell R, Serrano L, Serrano O, Dañobeitia J.  2008.  Very high-resolution seismo-acoustic imaging of seagrass meadows (Mediterranean Sea): Implications for carbon sink estimates. Geophysical Research Letters. 35:L18601.
Iacono CLo, Sulli A, Agate M.  2014.  Submarine canyons of north-western Sicily (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea): Variability in morphology, sedimentary processes and evolution on a tectonically active margin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 104:93–105.
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Klaucke I, Masson DG, C. Petersen J, Weinrebe W, Ranero CR.  2008.  Multifrequency geoacoustic imaging of fluid escape structures offshore Costa Rica: Implications for the quantification of seep processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
Kluesner JW, Silver EA, Bangs NL, McIntosh KD, Gibson J, Orange D, Ranero CR, von Huene R.  2013.  High density of structurally controlled, shallow to deep water fluid seep indicators imaged offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:519–539.
Kormann J., Biescas B., Korta N., De La Puente J., Sallarès V..  2011.  Application of acoustic full waveform inversion to retrieve high-resolution temperature and salinity profiles from synthetic seismic data. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116:C11039.
Kormann J, Cobo P, Biescas B, Sallares V, Papenberg C, Recuero M, Carbonell R.  2010.  Synthetic modelling of acoustical propagation applied to seismic oceanography experiments. Geophysical Research Letters. 37:n/a–n/a.
Kormann J, Cobo P, Recuero M, Biescas B, Sallares V.  2009.  Modelling Seismic Oceanography Experiments by Using First- and Second-Order Complex Frequency Shifted Perfectly Matched Layers. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 95:1104–1111.
