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Piñero E, Grácia E, Martínez-Ruiz F, Larrasoaña JCruz, Vizcaino A, Ercilla G.  2007.  Gas hydrate disturbance fabrics of southern Hydrate Ridge sediments (ODP Leg 204): Relationship with texture and physical properties. Geo-Marine Letters. 27:279–288.
Cartes J.E., LoIacono C., Mamouridis V., López-Pérez C., Rodríguez P..  2013.  Geomorphological, trophic and human influences on the bamboo coral Isidella elongata assemblages in the deep Mediterranean: To what extent does Isidella form habitat for fish and invertebrates? Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 76:52–65.
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Kluesner JW, Silver EA, Bangs NL, McIntosh KD, Gibson J, Orange D, Ranero CR, von Huene R.  2013.  High density of structurally controlled, shallow to deep water fluid seep indicators imaged offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:519–539.
Ercilla G., García-Gil S., Estrada F., Gràcia E., Vizcaino A., Váquez J.T., Díaz S., Vilas F., Casas D., Alonso B. et al..  2008.  High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Galicia Bank Region and neighbouring abyssal plains (NW Iberian continental margin). Marine Geology. 249:108–127.
Papadopoulos GA, Grácia E, Urgeles R, Sallares V, De Martini PMarco, Pantosti D, González M, Yalciner AC, Mascle J, Sakellariou D et al..  2014.  Historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the Mediterranean and its connected seas: Geological signatures, generation mechanisms and coastal impacts. Marine Geology. 354:81–109.
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Grácia E, Vizcaino A, Escutia C, Asioli A, Rodés Á, Pallàs R, Garcia-Orellana J, Lebreiro S, Goldfinger C.  2010.  Holocene earthquake record offshore Portugal (SW Iberia): testing turbidite paleoseismology in a slow-convergence margin. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29:1156–1172.
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Ranero C.R, Grevemeyer I., Sahling H., Barckhausen U., Hensen C., Wallmann K., Weinrebe W., Vannucchi P., von Huene R., McIntosh K..  2008.  Hydrogeological system of erosional convergent margins and its influence on tectonics and interplate seismogenesis. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
