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Garcia X.a, Seillé H.b, Elsenbeck J.c, Evans R.L.c, Jegen M.d, Hölz S.d, Ledo J.e, Lovatini A.f, Marti A.e, Marcuello A.e et al..  2015.  Structure of the mantle beneath the Alboran Basin from magnetotelluric soundings. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16:4261–4274.
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García-Mayordomo J., Insua-Arévalo J.M., Martínez-Díaz J.J., Jiménez-Díaz A., Martín-Banda R., Martín-Alfageme S., Álvarez-Gómez J.A., Rodríguez-Peces M., Pérez-López R., Rodríguez-Pascua M.A. et al..  2012.  The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI v.2.0). Journal of Iberian Geology. 38:301–318.
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