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Active tectonics of the South Chilean marine fore arc (35°S-40°S). Tectonics. 30:n/a–n/a.
2011. Birth of an intraoceanic spreading center. Geology. 36:767.
2008. .
The continent-ocean transition of the Pearl River margin. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. -1:06.
2013. Drilling the Seismogenic Zone of an Erosinal Convergent Margin: IODP Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project CRISP. Scientific Drilling. :51–54.
2007. Evidence for fluid circulation, overpressure and tectonic style along the Southern Chilean margin. Tectonophysics. 429:183–200.
2007. Fluid seepage and mound formation offshore Costa Rica revealed by deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler data. Marine Geology. 266:172–181.
2009. Fluid seepage at the continental margin offshore Costa Rica and southern Nicaragua. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
2008. High density of structurally controlled, shallow to deep water fluid seep indicators imaged offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:519–539.
2013. Interplate seismicity at the CRISP drilling site: The 2002 Mw 6.4 Osa Earthquake at the southeastern end of the Middle America Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 15:3035–3050.
2014. Multifrequency geoacoustic imaging of fluid escape structures offshore Costa Rica: Implications for the quantification of seep processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
2008. Overriding plate structure of the Nicaragua convergent margin: Relationship to the seismogenic zone of the 1992 tsunami earthquake. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14:3436–3461.
2013. An overview of the role of long-term tectonics and incoming plate structure on segmentation of submarine mass wasting phenomena along the Middle America Trench.. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - 5th International Symposium. :391–402.
2012. Passive and active seismological study of bending-related faulting and mantle serpentinization at the Middle America trench. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 258:528–542.
2007. Seismic structure of an oceanic core complex at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 22°19′N. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:B07106.
2010. Subduction Zone Geodynamics. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
2009. Submarine slope failures along the convergent continental margin of the Middle America Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 12:n/a–n/a.
2011. Thermal regime of the Costa Rican convergent margin: 1. Along-strike variations in heat flow from probe measurements and estimated from bottom-simulating reflectors. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 11:n/a–n/a.
2010. Thermal regime of the Costa Rican convergent margin: 2. Thermal models of the shallow Middle America subduction zone offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 11:n/a–n/a.