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Mota XMoreno, Mont EGràcia i, Bartolomé R, Iacono C.  2009.  Paleoseismology of active faults based on multiscale seismic imaging. Instrumentation ViewPoint. :50–51.
Grevemeyer I, Ranero CR, Flueh ER, Kläschen D, Bialas J.  2007.  Passive and active seismological study of bending-related faulting and mantle serpentinization at the Middle America trench. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 258:528–542.
Lucchi R.G., Camerlenghi A., Rebesco M., Colmenero-Hidalgo E., Sierro F.J., Sagnotti L., Urgeles R., Melis R., Morigi C., Bárcena M.-A. et al..  2013.  Postglacial sedimentary processes on the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough mouth fans: Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation. Global and Planetary Change. 111:309–326.
Martinez-Loriente S., Grácia E, Bartolomé R, Klaeschen D., Vizcaino A., Sallares V, Dañobeitia JJosé, Zitellini N..  2013.  Pre-stack depth migration seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge and adjacent Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains (Gulf of Cadiz): tectonic implications.
Ferrater M, Ortuño M, Masana E, Perea H, Baize S, Martínez-Díaz JJ, Pallàs R, García-Meléndez E.  2014.  PRIMEROS VALORES DE VELOCIDAD DE DESLIZAMIENTO LATERAL EN LA FALLA ALHAMA DE MURCIA BASADOS EN TRINCHERAS 3D. Segunda reunión Ibérica sobre fallas activas y paleosismología. :19.
Secanell R., Bertil D., Martin C., Goula X., Susagna T., Tapia M., Dominique P., Carbon D., Fleta J..  2008.  Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Pyrenean region. Journal of Seismology. 12:323–341.
