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Rosas F.M., Duarte J.C., Neves M.C., Terrinha P., Silva S., Matias L., Gràcia E., Bartolome R..  2012.  Thrust–wrench interference between major active faults in the Gulf of Cadiz (Africa–Eurasia plate boundary, offshore SW Iberia): Tectonic implications from coupled analog and numerical modeling. Tectonophysics. 548-549:1–21.
Meléndez A.a, Korenaga J.b, Sallarès V.a, Miniussi A.c, Ranero C.R.d.  2015.  TOMO3D: 3-D joint refraction and reflection traveltime tomography parallel code for active-source seismic data-synthetic test. Geophysical Journal International. 203:158–174.
Amblas D, Gerber TP, Canals M, Pratson LF, Urgeles R, Lastras G, Calafat AM.  2011.  Transient erosion in the Valencia Trough turbidite systems, NW Mediterranean Basin. Geomorphology. 130:173–184.
Garcia X, Escribano E, Colom H, Domenech J, Queralt J.  2011.  Tricyclic Antidepressants-loaded Biodegradable PLGA Nanoparticles: In Vitro Characterization and In Vivo Analgesic and Anti-Allodynic Effect. Current Nanoscience. 7:345–353.
Bartolomé R, , -Cornú N, , Alonso J.L., Cameselle A.L., Castellon A., Estrada F., Perea H., Prada M..  2014.  TSUJAL project and marine survey: Crustal characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco Block boundary and its implications for seismic and tsunami hazard assessment5) TSUJAL Working Group: D. 2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014.
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Goldfinger C, C. Nelson H, Morey AE, Johnson JE, Patton J, Karabanov E, Gutiérrez-Pastor J, Eriksson AT, Grácia E, Dunhill G et al..  2012.  Turbidite Event History—Methods and Implications for Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
Garcia X, Pavlidis D, Gorman GJ, Gomes JLMA, Piggott MD, Aristodemou E, Mindel J, Latham J-P, Pain CC, ApSimon H.  2011.  A two-phase adaptive finite element method for solid-fluid coupling in complex geometries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 66:82–96.
