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Arroyo IG, Grevemeyer I, Ranero CR, von Huene R.  2014.  Interplate seismicity at the CRISP drilling site: The 2002 Mw 6.4 Osa Earthquake at the southeastern end of the Middle America Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 15:3035–3050.
J. Morgan P, Ranero C.R., Vannucchi P..  2008.  Intra-arc extension in Central America: Links between plate motions, tectonics, volcanism, and geochemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 272:365–371.
C. Iacono L, Gràcia E., Zaniboni F., Pagnoni G., Tinti S., Bartolome R., Masson D.G, Wynn R.B, Lourenco N., M. de Abreu P et al..  2012.  Large, deepwater slope failures: Implications for landslide-generated tsunamis. Geology. 40:931–934.
Iacono CLo, Guillén J, Puig P, Ribó M, Ballesteros M, Palanques A, Farrán Mlí, Acosta J.  2010.  Large-scale bedforms along a tideless outer shelf setting in the western Mediterranean. Continental Shelf Research. 30:1802–1813.
Cameselle AL, Urgeles R.  Submitted.  Large-scale margin collapse during Messinian early sea-level drawdown: The SW Valencia Trough, NW Mediterranean. Basin Research.
Goldfinger C., Grijalva K., Burgmann R., Morey A.E, Johnson J.E, Nelson C.H, Gutierrez-Pastor J., Ericsson A., Karabanov E., Chaytor J.D et al..  2008.  Late Holocene Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkage to the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 98:861–889.
Cameselle AL, Urgeles R, De Mol B, Camerlenghi A, Canning JC.  2013.  Late Miocene sedimentary architecture of the Ebro Continental Margin (Western Mediterranean): implications to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 103:423–440.
Cameselle AL, Urgeles R, De Mol B, Camerlenghi A, Canning JC.  2014.  Late Miocene sedimentary architecture of the Ebro Continental Margin (Western Mediterranean): implications to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 103:423–440.
Muller M.R., Jones A.G., Evans R.L., Grütter H.S., Hatton C., Garcia X., Hamilton M.P., Miensopust M.P., Cole P., Ngwisanyi T. et al..  2009.  Lithospheric structure, evolution and diamond prospectivity of the Rehoboth Terrane and western Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa: Constraints from broadband magnetotellurics. Lithos. 112:93–105.
Miensopust M.P, Jones A.G, Muller M.R, Garcia X., Evans R.L.  2011.  Lithospheric structures and Precambrian terrane boundaries in northeastern Botswana revealed through magnetotelluric profiling as part of the Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116:B02401.
Panahi S.S., Ventosa S., Cadena J., Manuel-Lazaro A., Bermudez A., Sallarès V., Piera J..  2008.  A Low-Power Datalogger Based on CompactFlash Memory for Ocean Bottom Seismometers. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 57:2297–2303.
Miensopust M.P, Queralt P., Jones A.G.  2013.  Magnetotelluric 3-D inversion–a review of two successful workshops on forward and inversion code testing and comparison. Geophysical Journal International. 193:1216–1238.
Latham J-P, Munjiza A, Mindel J, Xiang J, Guises R, Garcia X, Pain C, Gorman G, Piggott M.  2008.  Modelling of massive particulates for breakwater engineering using coupled FEMDEM and CFD. Particuology. 6:572–583.
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Klaucke I, Masson DG, C. Petersen J, Weinrebe W, Ranero CR.  2008.  Multifrequency geoacoustic imaging of fluid escape structures offshore Costa Rica: Implications for the quantification of seep processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 9:n/a–n/a.
Bartolomé R, Iacono CLo, Grácia E.  2009.  Multiscale seismic imaging of active faults at sea. Sea Technology. 50:10–14.
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von Huene R, Ranero C.R.  2009.  Neogene collision and deformation of convergent margins along the backbone of the Americas. Geological Society of America Memoirs. 204:67–83.
Urgeles R, Camerlenghi A, Garcia-Castellanos D, De Mol B, Garcés M, Vergés J, Haslam I, Hardman M.  2011.  New constraints on the Messinian sealevel drawdown from 3D seismic data of the Ebro Margin, western Mediterranean. Basin Research. 23:123–145.
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Rodríguez I., Simon C., Sallarès V., Carlosena A., Mànuel A., Dañobeitia J.J..  2008.  A new multi-platform modular software tool for wide-angle reflection/refraction seismic data processing and representation (WASPAR). Computers & Geosciences. 34:456–463.
CALAHORRANOB A, SALLARES V, COLLOT J, SAGE F, RANERO C.  2008.  Nonlinear variations of the physical properties along the southern Ecuador subduction channel: Results from depth-migrated seismic data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 267:453–467.
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Garcia X, Akanji L, Blunt M, Matthai S, Latham J.  2009.  Numerical study of the effects of particle shape and polydispersity on permeability. Physical Review E. 80:021304.
