ADRIÀ MELÉNDEZ I CATALÁN 93 230 95 00 ext. 6001

Degree in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona (2007).
Llicenciat en Física a la Universitat de Barcelona (2007).

Master in Geophysics with Honors at the Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Ramon Llull (2008). Scholarship for Official Masters by la Caixa.
Màster en Geofísica amb Premi Extraordinari a la Universitat de Barcelona i Universitat Ramon Llull (2008). Beca per Màsters Oficials de la Caixa.

Doctorate by the Universitat de Barcelona at the Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging de l'Institut de Ciències del Mar del CSIC (2014).
Doctorat per la Universitat de Barcelona al Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging de l'Institut de Ciències del Mar del CSIC (2014).


  • Meléndez, A., J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, A. Miniussi & C. R. Ranero, 2015. TOMO3D: 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography parallel code for active-source seismic data – Synthetic test, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv292 (accepted).

  • Meléndez, A., V. Sallarès, C. R. Ranero & J. Kormann, 2014. Origin of water-layer multiple phases with anomalously high amplitude in near-seafloor wide-angle seismic recordings, Geophys. J. Int., 196: 243-252. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt391.

  • Sallarès, V., A. Meléndez, M. Prada, C. R. Ranero, K. McIntosh & I. Grevemeyer, 2013. Overriding plate structure of the Nicaragua convergent margin: Relationship to the seismogenic zone of the 1992 tsunami earthquake, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14: 3436–3461. doi:10.1002/ggge.20214.

Extended abstracts

  • E-Poster, 77th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition: Data-driven layer-stripping strategy for 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography, A. Meléndez, J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, A. Miniussi, and C. R. Ranero.

  • Oral presentation, 75th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition: TOMO3D: a new 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography code for active-source seismic data, A. Meléndez, J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, and C. R. Ranero.

  • Poster, 72nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition: Appraisal of joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography in the context of weathering correction: a feasibility study with a synthetic model, A. Meléndez, J. de la Puente, V. Sallarès, and C. R. Ranero. ISBN: 978-1-61399-428-3.

INTERESTS Development of a 3-D joint refraction and reflection traveltime tomography tool:
Desenvolupament d'una eina per a la tomografia 3-D de temps de trajecte de refraccions i reflexions:TOMO3D

Study of subduction zones and the associated seismological phenomena.
Estudi de zones de subducció i dels fenòmens sismològics associats.

Data acquisition in wide-angle and multichannel seismic experiments. Adquisició de dades en experiments de sísmica de gran angle i de reflexió multicanal.