The study of past earthquakes is essential in modern
seismic hazard assessment. Seismicity models were traditionally based on
archaeological, historical and instrumental seismicity records. However, in the
last decades seismic models have been significantly improved by the fast
advance of paleoseismology, which is
a field of research that allows to characterize past earthquakes and to
determine the seismic potential of the source faults based on the interpretation
of the geological record. The strength of paleoseismology is that it covers
much longer periods than the instrumental or historical catalogues. Obtaining
reliable paleoseismological data is especially relevant in areas of relatively
slow tectonic deformation, such as Iberia, where large earthquakes with long
recurrence intervals occur. Initially developed for the study of faults onland,
in the last few years the paleoseismological concepts are being increasingly
exported to the marine and lacustrine environments. This recent expansion of
paleoseismology to marine areas has great potential in terms of hazard
assessment because the populated coastal areas are
seriously threatened by earthquakes and tsunamis that are generated along
offshore faults, such as in the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea (Southern
SHAKE coordinated project aims to characterize the seismic potential of
selected faults in southern Iberia with increased precision than so far achieved, by
implementing a combination of cutting-edge techniques in terrestrial and marine
paleoseismology, and by integrating onshore and offshore results and methods.
This proposal builds up on the
experience gained during the IMPULS (REN 2003-05996) and the EVENT (CGL
2006-12861-C02) I+D+I National projects, fruitful collaborations between
the University of Barcelona (Subproject 1) and the UTM-CSIC (Subproject 2),
focused on the South Iberian Margin. During these projects, we have
demonstrated that the Eastern Betic
Shear Zone and the Gulf of Cadiz contain seismogenic fault, i.e. faults
that are able to produce catastrophic earthquakes. We also pioneered
internationally the integration of submarine and terrestrial data to produce a
complete image of seismogenic faults (e.g. Carboneras Fault). SHAKE represents
the next step in understanding the seismic potential of the systems under
The specific objectives are:
1. Obtention of seismic parameters of active faults from the Alboran Sea
and Gulf of Cadiz. We aim for systematic fault recognition and characterization with the
obtention of seismic parameters (length, area, depth and cumulative slip rate)
of selected active faults from the Alboran Sea and Gulf of Cadiz. These are the
essential parameters to be provided in seismic and tsunami hazard assessment.
2. In situ ROV characterization and dating
of earthquake seafloor ruptures. The aim is to identify young earthquake
ruptures and to calculate single event vertical and strike-slip components
(i.e. coseismic slip), based on the ability to recognize and date individual
event horizons as in trenches on land. During the SHAKE cruise on board the RV
Sarmiento de Gamboa (30 days) , the ROV Victor 6000 which acquires
data from just a few meters above the seafloor with cm-resolution, will yield a
fine micro-bathymetric cartography and 3D photo-mosaicing (OTUS vertical
camera) of well-preserved individual vertical- and strike-slip scarps with free
faces. Near-bottom high-resolution sub-bottom profiler records may allow
recognizing individual paleoearthquakes as seismic horizons. Age control of
surface ruptures will be approached by sedimentation rates determined with 210Pb
and 14C on shallow cores taken near the fault scarps with the ROV.
3. Evaluation of fluid
circulation and characterization of associated benthic habitats. The aim is to evaluate
the occurrence of fluid seepage processes along the fault scarps and to
characterize the associated habitats. Faults with recent activity may control
the fluid circulation within the sedimentary pile (fluid flow seepage) and can
represent preferential routes for fluid escape processes. Using the ROV Victor
6000 we will search for zones of cold fluids and methane seepages, where
carbonate crusts and chimneys represent peculiar ecosystems. As an added value for this project, the
benthic habitats found in the selected sites from a physical and biological
point of view will be characterized and described. Moreover, we will try to
evaluate the importance of specific morphostructures in creating shelter
microhabitats for benthic communities of wide naturalistic and economic