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Piñero E, Grácia E, Martínez-Ruiz F, Larrasoaña JCruz, Vizcaino A, Ercilla G.  2007.  Gas hydrate disturbance fabrics of southern Hydrate Ridge sediments (ODP Leg 204): Relationship with texture and physical properties. Geo-Marine Letters. 27:279–288.
Cartes J.E., LoIacono C., Mamouridis V., López-Pérez C., Rodríguez P..  2013.  Geomorphological, trophic and human influences on the bamboo coral Isidella elongata assemblages in the deep Mediterranean: To what extent does Isidella form habitat for fish and invertebrates? Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 76:52–65.
Szpak M.T, Monteys X., O'Reilly S., Simpson A.J, Garcia X., Evans R.L, Allen C.CR, McNally D.J, Courtier-Murias D., Kelleher B.P.  2012.  Geophysical and geochemical survey of a large marine pockmark on the Malin Shelf, Ireland. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 13:n/a–n/a.
Núñez-Cornú FJ, Córdoba D, Dañobeitia JJ, Bandy WL, Figueroa MO, Bartolomé R, Núñez D, Zamora-Camacho A, Espíndola JM, Castellón A et al..  2016.  Geophysical studies across rivera plate and jalisco block, Mexico: Tsujal project. Seismological Research Letters. 87:59–72.
Yang S.L, Solheim A., Forsberg C.F, Kvalstad T., Feng X.L, Li A.L, Urgeles R..  2009.  Geotechnical Properties of River-fed Sediments Compared with Glacier-fed Sediments. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 27:281–295.
Gutscher M.-A., Dominguez S., Westbrook G.K., Le Roy P., Rosas F., Duarte J.C., Terrinha P., Miranda J.M., Graindorge D., Gailler A. et al..  2012.  The Gibraltar subduction: A decade of new geophysical data. Tectonophysics. 574-575:72–91.
Rebesco M, Urgeles R, Özmaral A, Hanebuth T, Caburlotto A.  2014.  Grounding zone wedges , Kveithola Trough ( NW Barents Sea ). Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms. 16:16840.