Bartolome, R., Dañobeitia, JJ., Córdoba D., Nuñez, F., Cameselle, A., Estrada, F., Prada, M., Lee Bandy, W., and TSUJAL WG (2014), Tsujal Marine Survey: Crustal Characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco Block Boundary and its Implications for Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Assessment, AGU Fall meeting 2014. San Francisco, 15-19 Dec. 2014. ORAL
Bartolomé, R.; D. Córdoba , F. Nuñez, JJ Dañobeitia, J. L. Alonso, A. L. Cameselle, Arturo Castellón, F. Estrada , M. Farran, H. Perea, M. Prada y TSUJAL Working Group. TSUJAL project and marine survey: Crustal characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco Block boundary and its implications for seismic and tsunami hazard assessment . “2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014”, Lorca (Spain), Poster. 22-24th October, 2014
Bartolomé, R.; D. Córdoba, F. Nuñez, JJ Dañobeitia, A. L. Cameselle, M. Prada and TSUJAL Working Group. Crustal characterization and imaging of the Rivera Plate, Western Mexican margin (TSUJAL project): Insights from multichannel and wide-angle seismic data. “SEISMIX International Symposium”, Barcelona (Spain), ORAL Presentation. 12-17th October, 2014
Bartolomé, R.; Juanjo Dañobeitia, Diego Cordoba, Francisco Núñez Cornú, Alejandra L. Cameselle, Ferran Estrada, Manel Prada, William L. Bandy, Gr. Trabajo TSUJAL (por orden alfabético). La Campaña Marina Tsujal: Caracterización de la Corteza de la Placa De Rivera-Bloque de Jalisco y sus Implicaciones en el Riesgo Sísmico y Tsunamigénico. Union Geofísica Mexicana. ORAL, GEOS (ISSN: 0186-1891). Vol. 34, No. 1, 2014, EG-22, Pto. Vallarta (México). 2-7 Nov 2014
Bayrakci, G., T A. Minshull, R G. Davy, M S. Karplus, D Kaeschen, C Papenberg, A Krabbenhoeft, D Sawyer, T J. Reston, D J. Shillington, and C R. Ranero. 3D P-wave velocity structure of the deep Galicia rifted margin: A first analysis of the Galicia 3D wide-angle seismic dataset. EGU2014-3954. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Vienna | Austria | 27 April – 02 May 2014. ORAL
Bayrakci, G., T Minshull, R Davy, D Sawyer, D Klaeschen, C Papenberg, T Reston, D Shillington, and CR Ranero. 3D P-Wave Velocity Structure of the Deep Galicia Rifted Margin. In EGU General Assembly (12-17 Apr). Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13248, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015
Bayrakci, G., T. A Minshull, R. G Davy, D. S Sawyer, D. Klaeschen, C. A Papenberg, T. J Reston, D. J Shillington and C.R. Ranero. P-Wave Velocity Structure of the Deep Galicia Rifted Margin. T54A-033D. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 15-19 Dec. 2014. ORAL
Bayrakci, G., T. A. Minshull, R. Davy, M. Karplus, D. Sawyer, D. Klaeschen, C. Papenberg, T. Reston, D. Shillington, C.R. Ranero. 3D P-wave velocity structure of the deep Galicia rifted margin. 16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, 12-17 October 2014. ORAL
Begović, S.; C. R. Ranero, V. Sallarés, A. Melendez, I. Grevemeyer. Joint Travel-time Inversion of Streamer and OBS Seismic Data for Improved Velocity Models. AGU 2015.
Biescas, B.; B. Ruddick, M. Nedimovic, V. Sallarès, G. Bornstein, and J. F. Mojica. Temperature and salinity observations with high lateral resolution using acoustic data in the Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic Ocean. Poster. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Booth Rea, G., Camafort, M., Vicente, J., Melki, F., Ranero, C.R., Azañón, J., Wadday, M., Gràcia, E. (2015). Drainage evolution above a reverse fault-related fold: Quternary fluvial capture and reorganization of the Medjerda River, Northern Tunisia. XIV Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario, Granada, 30 Junio a 2 de Julio 2015.
Bornstein, G.; B. Biescas, V. Sallarès, J. F. Mojica. Inversion of temperature and salinity from seismic data.Poster.16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels (España) 2014
Bornstein, G.; Biescas, B.; Sallarès, V.; Mojica, J. F. Direct temperature and salinity acoustic full waveform inversion. Poster. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu (USA) 2014
Bornstein, G.; Biescas, B.; Sallarès, V.; Mojica, J. F. Inversión de forma de onda complete de datos acústicos marinos para extraer temperatura y salinidad. Poster. Encuentro de la Oceanografía Física Española 2014. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España) 2014
CALAHORRANO, A., Gràcia, E., Ranero, C.R. (2014). Structure and origin of the imbricated wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz from MCS images. 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
CALAHORRANO, A., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E. (2015). Structure and activity of the imbricated wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz from MCS images. European Geosciences Union (EGU)-15, Vienna (Austria), 12-17 April.
Cameselle, A. L., Ranero, C. R., Franke, D., & Barckhausen, U. (2014). The continent-ocean transition of the rifted South China continental margin. In EGU General Assembly (27Apr-2May ed., Vol. 16, p. 14917). Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union.
Cameselle, A. L., Ranero, C. R., Franke, D., & Barckhausen, U. (2014). The continent-ocean transition on the northwestern South China Sea basin. In 16th SEISMIX International Symposium – International Symposium on Multi-scale Imaging of the Earth crust and Upper Mantle (12-17 Oct). Castelldefles (Spain).
Cameselle, A. L., Ranero, C. R., Franke, D., & Barckhausen, U. (2015). The continent-ocean transition on the northwestern South China Sea. In EGU General Assembly (12-17 Apr). Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union.
Cameselle, A. L., Urgeles, R., & Llopart, J. (2014). Large-scale Mass Transport Deposits in the Valencia Basin (Western Mediterranean): slope instability induced by rapid sea-level drawdown? In EGU General Assembly (27Apr-2May ed., Vol. 16, p. 2738). Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union.
Cameselle, A. L., Urgeles, R., De Mol, B., & Camerlenghi, A. (2014). Late Miocene sedimentary architecture of the Ebro Continental Margin (Western Mediterranean): Implications to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. In EGU General Assembly (27Apr-2May ed.). Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union.
Córdoba Barba, D.; Francisco Javier Núñez Cornú, Juan José Dañobeitia, Rafael Bartolomé, William Lee Bandy, Christian Escudero, Alejandra Lago Cameselle, Juan Manuel Espíndola, Manel Prada, Diana Núñez, Araceli Zamora, Adán Gómez, Modesto Ortiz, Grupo de Trabajo Tsujal. El Proyecto Tsujal: Nuevas Investigaciones Geofísicas sobre La Placa de Rivera y El Bloque De Jalisco. ORAL, GEOS (ISSN: 0186-1891). Vol. 34, No. 1, 2014, EG-31. Pto. Vallarta (México) 2-7 Nov 2014
Córdoba Barba, D.; Francisco Javier Núñez-Cornú, Rafael Bartolomé, Juan José Dañobeitia, William Lee Bandy, Diana Núñez, Manel Prada, Christian Escudero-Ayala, Juan Manuel Espíndola, Araceli Zamora, Adán Gómez, Modesto Ortiz, Tsujal Working Group. New seismic images of the crust across the Rivera Plate and Jalisco Block (Mexico). European Geosciences Union General Assambly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-13596. Viena, Austria. Poster. April, 2015
Córdoba, D.; F. Nuñez , JJ Dañobeitia , R. Bartolomé , Bandy, W, Escudero, Ch., A. L. Cameselle, M. Prada, D. Nunez , A. Zamora Camacho, A., M. Ortiz. Tsujal Project: New Geophysical Studies about Rivera PLATE and Jalisco Block (MEXICO). AGU 2014. S. Francisco (USA). poster. Dec, 2014
Dagnino, D.; C. E. Jiménez Tejero, V. Sallarès, C. R. Ranero. Initial model sensibility of full wave-form inversion using first arrivals data set.Oral.16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels (España) 2014
Dañobeita, J.J.; Rafael Bartolomé, Diego Córdoba Barba, Francisco Nuñez Cornu, William L. Bandy, Manuel Prada, Alejandra L. Cameselle, Diana Nuñez, José Manuel Espíndola, Ferran Estrada, Araceli Zamora, Adan Gómez, Modesto Ortiz, Arturo Castellon, José Luis Alonso, Gr. Trabajo Tsujal. Estructura Cortical del Extremo Nororiental de la Placa de Rivera, Region de Nayarit-Islas Marias, Escenarios e Implicaciones Tectonicas. Proyecto Tsujal. ORAL, GEOS (ISSN: 0186-1891). Vol. 34, No. 1, 2014, EG-23, Pto. Vallarta (México). 2-7 Nov 2014
Dañobeitia, J.J.; Bartolomé, R., D. Córdoba Barba, F. J. Núñez Cornú, R. W. Bandy, M. Prada, A.L. Cameselle, D. Núñez, J.M. Espíndola, F. Estrada, A. Zamora, A. Gómez, M. Ortiz y el Grupo de Trabajo TsuJal. Crustal Structure at the North Eastern Tip of Rivera Plate, Nayarit- Marias Islands Region: Scenarios and Tectocnic Implications. Tsujal Project. AGU 2014. S. Francisco (USA). ORAL presentation. Dec, 2014
Dañobeitia, J.J.;R. Bartolomé, D. Córdoba, F. J. Núñez Cornú, M. Prada, D. Núñez, R. W. Bandy, J.M. Espíndola, F. Estrada, A. Zamora, M. Ortiz, and TSUJAL TEAM. Crustal architecture at the collission zone between Rivera and Cocos plates with North American plate at the Western margin of Mexico. TSUJAL project. AGU Joint Assembly. Montreal (Canada). Oral. May, 2015
Davy, R G, T A Minshull, G Bayrakci, J M Bull, D S Sawyer, D Klaeschen, C A Papenberg, T J Reston, D J Shillington, C.R. Ranero, C Zelt. Searching for the Onset of Seafloor Spreading West of Galicia: Wide-Angle Seismic Constraints. T43A-4684. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 15-19 Dec. 201.4
Ferrater, M, Ortuño, M., Masana, E., Khazaradze, G., Echeverría, A., Pallàs, R., García-Melendez, E., Martínez Díaz, J.J., Baize, S., Perea, H., Cunha, P. and Rockwell, T. (2014): The Alhama de Murcia fault slip-rate: first constraints from updated slip-rates. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna (Austria), April 27th to May 2nd 2014. ORAL
Galiana, S. and X. Garcia: 2.5D inversion of CSEM data. In: Contributed paper at: 22nd EM Induction Workshop, Weimar, Germany. Aug. 2014.
Galiana, S. and X. Garcia: 2.5-D inversion of frequency domain CSEM data using a PDE con- strained optimization technique. In: Contributed paper at: 16th SEISMIX International Symposium, Castelldefels, Spain. Oct. 2014.
Galiana, S. and X. Garcia: A formulation for the 2.5-D CSEM inverse problem using a PDE con- strained optimization. In: 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstract, Madrid. June 2015.
Garcia, X.; X. Monteys, R. L. Evans, and M. Szpak: Constraints on a Shallow Offshore Gas Envi- ronment Determined by a Multidisciplinary Geophysical Approach: The Malin Sea, NW Ireland. In: Contributed paper at: 16th SEISMIX International Symposium, Castelldefels, Spain. Oct. 2014.
Giaconia, F., Booth-Rea, G., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., Moreno, X., Perea, H., Lo Iacono, C., IMPULS cruise party. (2014). The Carboneras sinistral fault: a transfer structure accommodating differential extension during the Miocene and Quaternary (Western Mediterranean). European Geosciences Union (EGU)-14, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, EGU2014-13109.
Giaconia, F., Booth-Rea, G., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E. (2014). Late Miocene heterogeneous extension at the Algero-Balearic and East Alboran basins (Western Mediterranean). European Geosciences Union (EGU)-14, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, EGU2014-12921.
Gibson, J.C., D J Shillington, D S Sawyer, B Jordan, J K Morgan, C Ranero, T J Reston. Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment. T33D-2970. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 14-18, 2015
Gómez DE LA PEÑA, L., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R. (2015). New deep multichannel seismic reflection images from the Alboran Basin: The TOPOMED-GASSIS dataset. European Geosciences Union (EGU)-15, Vienna (Austria), 12-17 April.
Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., (2014). Advanced multichannel seismic reflection processing techniques applied to improve imaging of active faults from the Alboran Sea. IBERFAULT-2014, Lorca (Murcia), 22-24 Octubre 2014.
Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., TOPOMED CRUISE PARTY (2014). New deep multichannel seismic reflection images from the Alboran Basin: The TOPOMED-GASSIS dataset. 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
Gómez de la Peña, L.; C.R. Ranero, E. Gràcia, R. Bartolome and TopoMed cruise party (2015): New deep multichannel seismic reflection images from the Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean): The TOPOMED-GASSIS dataset. Congres de doctorants IPGP, 23 - 27 March 2015, Paris (France). Oral.
Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., Perea, H., Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C.R., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., Diez, S., Dañobeitia, J. (2014).Seismogenic potential of active faults in the Alboran Sea revealed by multiscale seismic imaging. 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., Perea, H., Moreno, X., Gomez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C.R., Lo Iacono, C., Martinez-Loriente, S., Diez, S., Masana, E., Dañobeitia, J., 2014, Seismic hazard of active faults in the Alboran Sea inferred from submarine paleosismology. “2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014”, Lorca (Spain), 22-24th October, Oral Presentation.
Grevemeyer, I., C.R. Ranero. The seismic structure of crust formed in back-arc spreading centers. 16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, 12-17 October, 2014. ORAL
Hanebuth, T.J.J., Rebesco, M., Urgeles, R., Lucchi, R.G., Freudenthal, T., the scientific party of CORIBAR (2014): Challenges and progress in drilling offshore buried glacigenic deposits, PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, Trieste, ITALY, May 19-23, 2014, Proceedings of the II PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, 31, ORAL
Jiménez Tejero, C. E.; D. Dagnino, V. Sallarès, C. R. Ranero. How to deal with noisy and bandwidth limited data in FWI: the appropriate choice of the misfit function. Oral.16th SEISMIX International Symposium.Castelldefels (España) 2014
Jiménez-Tejero C. E., Dagnino D., Sallarès V., Ranero C. Comparison of Objective Functionals in Seismic Full Waveform Inversion. EAGE conference and exhibition. Amsterdam 2014
Jimenez-Tejero, C. E.; Dagnino, D., Sallares, V., Ranero, C. Testing objective functionals in full waveform inversion. 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Amsterdam (Holanda) 2014
Julià, J.; X. Garcia, W. E. de Medeiros, and A. F. do Nascimento: The BOrborema Deep Electro- magnetic and Seismic (BODES) Experiment. In: Contributed paper at 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. 2015, pp.14–18 December.
Llopart, J., Urgeles, R., Camerlenghi, A., Lucchi, R., Rebesco, M. (2014): Hydrogeology of glaciated continental margins and significance to slope instability: Constrains from permeability/compressibility tests and modeling off Storfjorden, NW Barents Sea, 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, FRANCE, October 27-31, 2014. Résumés de la 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 100, ORAL.
Lo Iacono, C., Huvenne, V., Victorero, L., Vertino, A., Van RoIJ, D., Gràcia, E., Ranero, C.R., GATEWAYS Cruise Party (2015). The West Melilla and Cabliers CWC Mounds (Alboran Sea). State of the art and future perspectives. Mediterranean-Atlantic gateways (MEDGATE), Rabat (Morocco), 5-8 May 2015.
Lo Iacono, C., L. Victorero Gonzalez, V. A.I. Huvenne, D. Van Roij, E. Gràcia, C.R. Ranero and the GATEWAYS Cruise Party. Morphology and shallow stratigraphy of the West Melilla and Cabliers CWC Mounds (Alborán Sea). Preliminary insights from the GATEWAYS MD194 Cruise. 2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress, Ghent, Belgium. 10-12 Sept. 2014. ORAL
Lofi, J., the Atlas Contributors Team (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2014): Seismic atlas of the "Messinian Salinity Crisis" markers in the Mediterranean and Black seas - Volume 2, , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Viena, AUSTRIA, April 27 - May 2, 2014, Abstract EGU2014-10481; POSTER
Lucchi R.G., Colmenero-Hidalgo E., Sierro F.J., Sagnotti L., Barcena M.A., Melis R., Morigi C., Villa G., Urgeles R., Camerlenghi A. & Rebesco M. (2014): Extreme depositional events on the NW-Barents Sea continental margin, 87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e 90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Milan, ITALY, September 10-12, 2014, Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 31 (Suppl. 1), 71, ORAL.
Martínez-Loriente, S., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., SALLARÈS, V., Perea, H. (2014). Active tectonics in old oceanic lithosphere off SW Iberia based on pre-stack depth migrated MCS profiles (SWIM-2006 survey). 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
Martínez-Loriente, S., Gràcia, E; Bartolome, R; Sallarès, V; Perea, H, 2014. Active faulting in the Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere offshore the SW Iberian margin. Significance for earthquake and tsunami hazard. “2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014”, Lorca (Spain), 22-24th October, Poster Presentation.
Martínez-Loriente, S., Sallarès, V., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R. (2014). Nature and distribution of geological domains at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off SW Iberia and regional geodynamic implications. European Geosciences Union (EGU)-14, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, EGU2014-10873-3.
Martínez-Loriente, S., SALLARÈS, V., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., (2014). Wide-angle seismic and gravity constraints on the basement affinity of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the SW Iberian margin. 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
Martínez-Loriente, S., Sallarès, V., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., Ranero, C.R. (2015). New insights in the geodynamic evolution of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary based on two regional seismic velocity and density models from the Gulf of Cadiz (off SW Iberian Margin). European Geosciences Union (EGU)-15, Vienna (Austria), 12-17 April.
Martínez-Loriente, S.; V. Sallarès, E. Gràcia, R. Bartolome, C. Ranero. Configuration of geological domains and geodynamic evolution of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off SW Iberia revisited based on seismic velocity and density models. Oral. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Meléndez, A.; J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, A. Miniussi, C. R. Ranero, P. Charvis. TOMO3D: A new 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography parallel code for active-source seismic data. Oral.16th SEISMIX International Symposium.Castelldefels (España) 2014
Meléndez, A.; J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, A. Miniussi, C. Ranero. Data-driven layer-stripping strategy in 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography with TOMO3D. Poster. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Meléndez, A.; V. Sallarès, J. Korenaga, A. Miniussi, C. R. Ranero. Data-driven Layer-stripping Strategy for 3-D Joint Refraction and Reflection Travel-time Tomography. e-Poster. 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Madrid (Spain) 2015
Mojica, J.; Sallares, V.; Biescas, B.; Bornstein, G. Characterization of the energy cascade in the thermocline using high resolution multichannel seismic data. Oral. Encuentro de la Oceanografía Física Española 2014. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España) 2014
Mojica, J.; Sallares, V.; Biescas, B.; Klaeschen, D.; Bornstein, G. Characterization of the energy cascade using high resolution multichannel seismic data . Poster. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu (USA) 2014
Neukirch, M. and Xavier Garcia ”On non stationary CSEM source waveform design to reduce bias due to streamed transmitters”; Poster for 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, June 2015
Neukirch, M. and Xavier Garcia. ”Non Stationary, broad-band waveforms for CSEM — An analysis with synthetic data”; Poster for 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, Spain, June 2014
Neukirch, M.; S. Galiana, and X. Garcia: Non-Stationary, broadband waveforms for CSEM — An analysis with synthetic 2D data. In: Contributed paper at: 22nd EM Induction Workshop, Weimar, Ger- many. Aug. 2014.
Neves, M.C., Figueiredo, P.M., Martínez-Loriente, S. (2015), Southwest Iberia uplift investigated by Flexural Modeling (2015), 8º Simposio sobre el Margen Ibérico Atlántico (MIA-15), Málaga, (Spain), 21-23th September 2015. Poster Presentation.
Nunez, D.; J. Lopez Ortiz ,R. Bartolome, D. Barba, F. Nunez-Cornu,JJ. Danobeitia,A. Zamora-Camacho,Ch. Escudero, Seismic Images of the Crust across D-E Seismic Profile (TS04-Tsujal Project): Results of Reflection and Wide-Angle Seismic Study. AGU 2014. S. Francisco (USA). poster. Dec, 2014
Núñez-Cornú, F.J.; Diana Núñez, Diego Cordoba, Christian Escudero, Araceli Zamora Camacho, Quiriart Gutiérrez Peña, Juan José Dañobeitia, and Rafael Bartolomé. Crustal Structure of Southern Coast of Bahía de Banderas, Jalisco, Mexico. IUGG. Prague (Czech Republic) poster (Abstract S08p-346) June-July, 2015
Núñez-Cornú, F.J.; Diego Córdoba, Diana Núñez, Quiriart Gutierrez Peña, Christian Escudero, Araceli Zamora Camacho, Juan José Dañobeitia, Rafael Bartolomé. Imaging the Jalisco Block and Rivera Plate from Seismicity and Wide Angle Seismic Data from TsuJal Project. European Geosciences Union General Assambly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-14451. Viena, Austria. Poster. April, 2015
Nuzzo, M., Tomonaga, Y., Schmidt, M., PiÑero, E., Valadares, V., Reitz, A., GrÀcia, E., Terrinha, P., Scholz, F., Silva, S., Kaul, N., Brennwald, M., Perea, H., HENSEN, C. (2014). Impact of Fluid circulation in old oceanic Lithosphere on the seismicity of transfOrm-type plate boundaries: The FLOWS project (EU-COST ES1301). European Geosciences Union (EGU)-14, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, EGU2014-14582.
Ochoa, D., Sierro, F. J., Lofi, J., Maillard, A., Urgeles, R., Flores, J.-A., … Cameselle, A. L. (2015). Contrasting log and seismic expression of evaporitic deposits along the Valencia Basin. In Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 5-8 May, 2015, Rabat, Marocco (p. 39).
Özmaral, A., Rebesco, M., Urgeles, R., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Caburlotto, A., Hörner, T., Lantzsch, H., Llopart, J., Lucchi, R.G., Nicolaisen, L.S., Osti, G., Sabbatini, A., Camerlenghi, A. (2014): Grounding Zone Wedges, Kveithola Trough (Nw Barents Sea), PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, Trieste, ITALY, May 19-23, 2014, Proceedings of the II PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, 64, ORAL.
Perea, H, Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R, Gómez de la Peña, L., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., De Mol, B., Tello, O., Ballesteros, M., and EVENT-DEEP cruise party, 2014, Evidences of quaternary active faults across the Djibouti high and the Adra Ridge (Alboran Sea). “2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014”, Lorca (Spain), 22-24th October, Oral Presentation.
Perea, H, Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R, Martínez-Loriente, S., 2014. Submarine paleoseismology on the Santa Pola fault (Bajo Segura basin, western mediterranean): derivating direct on-fault paleoearthquakes, “2nd Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology – IBERFAULT 2014”, Lorca (Spain), 22-24th October, Oral Presentation.
Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Gómez de la Peña, L., Martínez-Loriente, S., X. Moreno, X., de Mol, B., Tello, O., Ballesteros, M., EVENT-DEEP cruise party (2014). Evidence of Quaternary active faults across the Djibouti High and the Adra Ridge (Alboran Sea). IBERFAULT-2014, Lorca (Murcia), 22-24 Octubre 2014.
Prada, M.; Sallarès, V., Ranero, C., Vendrell, M., Grevemeyer, I., Zitellini, N., de Franco, R. A Cross-section of Crustal Domains and Tectonic Structure Across the Central Tyrrhenian Basin: From Back-arc Extension to Mantle Exhumation. Poster. EGU General Assembly 2014.Viena (Austria) 2014
Prada, M.; V. Sallarès, C. R. Ranero, M. G. Vendrell, I. Grevemeyer, N. Zitellini, R. de Franco. Seismic evidence of spatially variable magmatic crustal accretion during the opening of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. Poster. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Prada, M.; V. Sallarès, C.R. Ranero, M.G. Vendrell, I. Grevemeyer, N. Zitellini, R. de Franco. A combined MCS and WAS experiment reveals the complex crustal transition between the Central and Northern Tyrrhenian basin. Oral. 16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels (España) 2014
Ranero C.R. and I. Grevemeyer. The seismic structure of crust formed in back-arc spreading centers. In EGU General Assembly (12-17 Apr). Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-7673, 2015 EGU General Assembly 2015
Ranero C.R. and I. Grevemeyer. The Seismic Structure of Oceanic Crust Formed in Back-Arcs. T41E-2945. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 14-18, 2015
Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Gómez de la Peña, L., CALAHORRANO, A., GARCIA, X., GREVEMEYER, I., WESTMED, TOPOMED, GEOMARGEN-1 & AMELIE WGs (2014). The Miocene formation and the Plio-Pleistocene deformation of the Gibraltar Arc System. 16th SEISMIX, International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels (Barcelona), 12-17 October 2014.
Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Gomez, L., Calahorrano, A., Garcia, X., Grevemeyer, I. (2015). Miocene formation and Plio-Pleistocene deformation of Gibraltar Arc System. Mediterranean-Atlantic gateways (MEDGATE), Rabat (Morocco), 5-8 May 2015 (Invited).
Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Grevemeyer, I., Garcia, X., WestMed, TopoMed, Geomargen-1, & Amelie cruises (2014). The Gibraltar Arc System: Miocene formation and Plio-Pleistocene deformation from seismic images, Vp models and magnetoteluric data. European Geosciences Union (EGU)-14, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, EGU2014-14628.
Ranero, C.R., Sallares, V., Prada, M., Moeller, S, Vendrell, M. G., Grevemeyer, I, Berndt, C, Klaeschen, Dirk, de Franco, R. and Zitellini, N. (2014) Recent advance in the knowledge of Tyrrhenian Basin from combined wide-angle and multichannel seismic transects In: 33. Convegno Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Bolognia, Italy. 25-27 Oct. 2014. ORAL
Ranero, C.R., The Miocene formation and the Pliocene deformation of the Gibraltar Arc System. 10th Topo-Europe Workshop, Interplay between surface lithospheric and mantle processes. Barcelona. Spain. September 17-19, 2014. ORAL
Ranero, C.R.. Grandes Terremotos de zonas de subducción (Keynote). IBERFAULT 2014 second Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology. Lorca, Murcia, Spain; October 22-24, 2014. ORAL
Ranero, C.R.., A L. Cameselle, D Franke, and U Barckhausen. Rifting of the north-western South China Sea Basin from MCS images. EGU2014-14399. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Vienna | Austria | 27 April – 02 May 2014. ORAL
Ranero, C.R.; Sallares, V., Grevemeyer, I., Prada, M., Vendrell, M., Zitellini, N. The Tyrrhenian Basin formation: from continental rifting to seafloor spreading, followed by mantle exhumation and late fissural volcanism. Poster. EGU General Assembly 2014. Viena (Austria) 2014
Ranero, C.R.; V. Sallarés, M. G. Vendrell, M.Prada, I. Grevemeyer, N. Zitellini. The Tyrrhenian Basin: fault activity migration, focusing of deformation, break up, magmatism and fast mantle exhumation. Oral. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Reston, T., D Cresswell, D Sawyer, CR Ranero, D Shillington, J Morgan, G. Lymer. Complex patterns of faulting revealed by 3D seismic data at the West Galicia rifted margin. In EGU General Assembly (12-17 Apr). Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 17, EGU2015-6197, 2015 EGU General Assembly 2015.
Reston, T., Martínez-Loriente, S, Holroyd, L., Merry, T., Sawyer, D., Morgan, J., Jordan, B., Sanjurjo, MT., Alexanian, A., Shillington, D., Gibson, J., Minshull, T., Karplus, M., Bayracki, G., Davy, R., Klaeschen, D., Papenberg, C., Ranero, C.R., Perez-Gussinye, M., Martínez, M., 2014. The Galicia 3D experiment: an Introduction. European Geosciences Union (EGU)-General Assembly 2014, Vienna (Austria), 27 April – 2 May, Poster Presentation.
Ruddick, B.; Biescas Gorriz, B.; Nedimovic, M.; Sallares, V.; Bornstein, B. Synthetic trials of a coherent-source multichannel seismic system for oceanography . Oral. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu (USA) 2014
Sabbatini, A., Morigi, C., Nicolaisen, L.S., Lucchi, R.G., Caburlotto, A., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Hörner, T., Lantzsch, H., Llopart, J., Özmaral, A., Osti, G., Rebesco, M., Urgeles, R., and the CORIBAR Team (2014): Recent and modern benthic foraminifera along the Kveithola Trough (NW Barents Sea), environmental and paleo-environmental implications. PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, Trieste, ITALY, May 19-23, 2014, Proceedings of the II PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, 77, ORAL.
Sallarès, V.; C.R. Ranero, A. Meléndez, M. Prada, K. McIntosh, I. Grevemeyer. Seismic structure around the Nicaragua megathrust fault and the rupture characteristics of the 1992 tsunami earthquake. Oral.16th SEISMIX International Symposium. Castelldefels (España) 2014
Sallarès, V.; M. Prada, C. R. Ranero, I. Grevemeyer, N. Zitellini, From magmatic accretion to mantle exhumation in the Tyrrhenian basin: New data challenge conceptual models of continental back-arc extension. Ora. EGU General Assembly 2015. Viena (Austria) 2015
Sallarès, V.; Ranero, C., Prada, M., Meléndez, A. The elastic properties of the upper plate could determine the tsunamigenic character of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami earthquake.Oral.Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Meeting.Sapporo (Japón) 2014
Sawyer, D., B Jordan, J Morgan, D Shillington, T Reston, and CR Ranero. Galicia3D seismic volume: Connections between the western termination of the S reflector and eastern termination of the Peridotite Ridge. In EGU General Assembly (12-17 Apr). Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 17, EGU2015-7245-1, 2015. EGU General Assembly 2015
Sawyer, D., B Jordan, MT Sanjurjo, Ara Alexanian, J Morgan, D Shillington, T Reston, T Minshull, D Klaeschen, and C.R. Ranero. 3D Seismic Reflection Experiment Over the Galicia Deep Basin. EGU2014-10818. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Vienna | Austria | 27 April – 02 May 2014. ORAL
Sawyer, DS, B Jordan, T J Reston, T A Minshull, D Klaeschen, C.R. Ranero, D J Shillington, J K Morgan. 3D Seismic Reflection Experiment over the Galicia Deep Basin. T43A-4682. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 15-19 Dec. 2014. ORAL
Urgeles, R., De Mol, B., Amblàs, D., Canning, J. (2014): Onset, development and persistence of prograding submarine canyons revealed by 3D seismic data: the Ebro Margin, NW Mediterranean, 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, FRANCE, October 27-31, 2014. Résumés de la 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 88, KEYNOTE.
Villinger, H., Hensen, C., Lever, M., Nuzzo, M., FLOWS Group (among them E. GRÀCIA) (2014). Impact of Fluid circulation in old oceanic Lithosphere on the seismicity of transform-type plate boundaries: The FLOWS project (EU-COST ES1301). Multidisciplinary Observatories in Vent Ecosystems (MOVE), Brest, 24-27 November 2014.
Viñas, M., Ranero, C.R., Grevemeyer, I. Tectonic and deep structure of the Southeast Iberian margin. 16th SEISMIX International Symposium. 12-17 October 2014
Viñas, M., Ranero, C.R., Grevemeyer, I. Tectonic and deep structure of the Southeast Iberian margin. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 12-17 April 2015
Wardell, N., Camerlenghi, A., Urgeles, R., Geletti, R., Tinivella, U., Giustiniani, M., Accettella, D. (2014): Seismic evidence for Messinian salt deformation and fluid circulation on the South Balearic margin (Western Mediterranean), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Viena, AUSTRIA, April 7-12, 2013, Abstract EGU2014-11078, POSTER
Yair López Ortiz, J.; Diana Núñez Escribano, Rafael Bartolomé, Diego Córdoba Barba, Francisco J. Núñez Cornú, Juanjo Dañobeitia, Araceli Zamora-Camacho, Christian R. Escudero, Grupo de Trabajo Tsujal. Imágenes Sísmicas de la Corteza en el Perfil Sísmico D-E (TS04-Proyecto Tsujal): Resultados de un Estudio combinado Sísmica de Reflexión/Sísmica de Gran Ángulo. POSTER , GEOS (ISSN: 0186-1891). Vol. 34, No. 1, 2014, EG-24, Pto. Vallarta