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Urgeles R, Cattaneo A, Puig P, Liquete C, De Mol B, Sultan N, Trincardi F.  2012.  Distinguishing sediment bedforms from sediment deformation in prodeltas of the Mediterranean Sea.. Submarine Mass Movement and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research. :233–244.
Nagel N, Damjanac B, Garcia X, Sanchez-Nagel M.  2011.  Discrete element hydraulic fracture modeling - Evaluating changes in natural fracture aperture and transmissivity. Society of Petroleum Engineers - Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference 2011, CURC 2011. 2:1350–1363.
Hanebuth TJJ, Rebesco M, Urgeles R, Lucchi RG, Freudenthal T.  2014.  Drilling Glacial Deposits in Offshore Polar Regions. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 95:277–278.
Camerlenghi A., Urgeles R., Fantoni L..  2010.  A database on submarine landslides of the mediterranean sea. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - 4th International Symposium. :503–513.